
Vi søger to rengøringsassistenter til rengøring ved stor kunde i Århus-området

Aug 30, 2024
Part Time

Aarhus N, DK, 8200

Ansøgningsfrist: 20. september 2024


Er du en teamplayer og kan du lide at yde en god service? Vi søger lige nu to dygtige rengøringsassistenter til kontorrengøring på en stor lokation i Århus-området.

Dine arbejdsopgaver vil primært bestå af rengøring af blandt andet kontorer, fællesarealer og toiletter. Du vil blive en del af et godt team på, hvor I sammen skal yde den bedste service for vores kundes lokationer. 

Det er ikke et krav, at du har rengøringserfaring, men vi forventer, at du er serviceorienteret, fleksibel og omstillingsparat. Din oplæringsperiode vil bestå af sidemandsoplæring, hvor du grundigt vil blive instrueret og oplært i at kunne udføre de daglige arbejdsopgaver.


Begge stillinger er hver på 18 timer ugentligt med mødetid kl. 05:00.



Er du den vi søger?


  • Erfaring med kontorrengøring eller anden rengøring er en fordel, men ikke et krav
  • Er servicemindet, omgængelig og hjælpsom af natur
  • Er fleksibel og omstillingsparat
  • Er selvstændig og kan tage ansvar for egne opgaver
  • Er fokuseret, proaktiv og god til at læse kundens behov
  • Er god til at indgå i et team og et samarbejde med andre
  • Kan kommunikere på dansk eller engelsk både på skrift og tale

ISS lever af service - det er derfor også vigtigt, at du er smilende, præsentabel og imødekommende over for både kunder og kolleger, samt er villig til at gøre en forskel for vores kunder.




Ansøgning med CV fremsendes via ansøgningslinket senest den 20. september 2024. Vi ansætter løbende, så send gerne din ansøgning allerede i dag – vi glæder os til at høre fra dig. Vi stræber efter at afvikle en inkluderende og retfærdig rekrutteringsproces og lige muligheder for alle kandidater. For yderligere information om stillingen, kontakt venligst: Service Manager Charlotte Carlsen på tlf. 22 41 58 59

About ISS

We are one of the world’s leading providers of integrated facility services. With 300,000 colleagues globally, and 6,000 in Denmark, we focus on delivering the best facility services and creating the workplace that our customers dream of. The key word that binds us together is service. United by a commitment to exceptional service, we aim to create inclusive workplaces, foster innovation, and enhance company culture.

Our employee promise is simple yet powerful: ISS is a place to be you – a place to “Be who you are”, “Become what you want”, and “Be part of something bigger”. We have ambitious goals for how we work, how we impact our surroundings and how we treat our people.


#APlaceToBeYou #LI-DNI

Requisition ID:  39798

The Recruitment Process

1. Job search 2. Application 3. Screening 4. Interview(s) 5. Job offer
Browse the ISS Career Site and find your next job Click "Apply now" and follow the steps to complete your application Our Recruiting team reviews your application We get to know you better and answer any questions you may have Congratulations! We are excited to offer you a job and look forward to onboarding you soon

The Recruitment Process

1. Job search
Browse the ISS Career Site and find your next job
2. Application
Click "Apply now" and follow the steps to complete your application
3. Screening
Our Recruiting team reviews your application
4. Interview(s)
We get to know you better and answer any questions you may have
5. Job offer
Congratulations! We are excited to offer you a job and look forward to onboarding you soon


Since our founding in 1901, ISS has been a people-first company. We recognise the power of diversity, inclusion and belonging and celebrate the differences that make us unique. When everyone is free to be themselves, everyone benefits.

Our people feel safe, respected, represented, and supported as their authentic selves, allowing them to seize opportunities and reach their full potential. We take seriously our obligation to improve lives, make a difference in our communities, and protect our planet - because when we get things right, the world works better. And that is what drives us.

ISS is a Place to Be You.

Be who you are. Become what you want. Be part of something bigger.